Pylon and Pole Signs are types of freestanding outdoor signage that are designed, made, and located specifically for the purpose of catching attention from a distance. They range in height but are most commonly between twenty and eighty feet tall. Pylon and pole signs are usually located along highways or within viewing distance of interstates, where higher traffic speeds demand signs that maximize your potential customers’ viewing time. The major difference between a Pylon Sign and a Pole Sign is that Pole Signs have a visible support structure. Very large pole signs are sometimes called “High-Rise” signs. A Pylon Sign will have an enclosed support structure.
These types of signs can serve as a sort of beacon to help your customers quickly and conveniently find your business. This is particularly helpful for properties that have long driveways or are not located on a main highway.
Pylon and Pole Signs are also a staple for shopping malls and other multiple tenant locations. They allow for a header cabinet that identifies the name of the shopping mall and, below, list the tenants located within. Generally, the most well-known names are featured at the top of the sign. These are known as the “Major Tenants”. “Minor Tenants” are typically found further down on the sign and often have significantly less advertising space than major tenants.
Pylon and Pole Signs may not be appropriate – or even permissible – in locations with smaller highways or without a good populace of businesses. Additionally, there are almost always limits placed on the overall height and square feet of a pylon sign by the municipality in which they are to be located. These large signs are a big investment. We welcome you to contact us to see if a pylon or pole sign should be a part of you company’s signage plan.